Financial Planners!

Please register for our webinar: 


Introducing: The NEW Way to Confidently Communicate More Value

Ensuring Clients (and Regulators) Never Question Your Fees

In this 25-minute webinar and demo, Paul Armson, co-founder of ScoreMy, will show you how you can use ScoreMy to stand out from the crowd by confidently communicating the incredible benefits of working with you.

You’ll learn why leading advisors and planners are now using ScoreMy to communicate and demonstrate more value and why they are saying "THIS is the missing piece of the jigsaw!"

You'll discover how ScoreMy makes it really easy for you to convey the REAL benefits you can deliver, which then makes it easy to confidently pitch bigger fees. You'll also see how ScoreMy helps you attract and convert MORE of the RIGHT clients whilst elegantly eliminating any competition.

More important in today's world...

You'll also learn how ScoreMy helps you EVIDENCE the value you are delivering, on an ongoing basis, so neither clients - nor the regulator - can EVER question your fees.

Financial Planners!

Please register for our webinar:


The NEW way to Confidently Communicate More Value 

Ensuring Clients (and Regulators) Never Question Your Fees 

In this 25-minute webinar and demo, Paul Armson, co-founder of ScoreMy will show you how you can use ScoreMy to stand out from the crowd by confidently communicating the incredible benefits of working with you.

You’ll learn why leading advisors and planners are now using ScoreMy to confidently communicate and demonstrate more value and why they are saying "THIS is the missing piece of the jigsaw!"

You'll discover how ScoreMy makes it really easy for you to convey the REAL benefits you can deliver, which then makes it easy to confidently pitch bigger fees. You'll also see how ScoreMy helps you attract and convert MORE of the RIGHT clients whilst elegantly eliminating any competition.

More important in today's world...

You'll also learn how ScoreMy helps you EVIDENCE the value you are delivering, on an ongoing basis, so neither clients - nor the regulator - can EVER question your fees.

Your presenter:

Paul Armson - Co-Founder, ScoreMy

Register for this session now and benefit from Paul's passion for helping advisors better communicate the life-changing benefits of REAL financial planning and learn how ScoreMy helps you do this better and faster.

Paul is the founder of the Lifestyle Financial Planning movement and over the last 15 years, as CEO of Inspiring Advisers, has helped thousands of advisors in the UK and around the world demonstrate and deliver more value in return for much bigger fees.

Paul is the author of several books including 'The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Financial Planners', 'Life Centered Financial Planning' (with Mitch Anthony), and, for consumers, "ENOUGH? How Much Money Do You Need For The Rest of Your Life?"

Here's what some of our early adopters have to say:

"Without even trying..."

“ScoreMy has really helped me. It really has. I don't need to try to articulate my value because ScoreMy does that for me. It allows me to easily differentiate myself because nobody else is communicating financial planning in this way. So, I'm not having to try too hard. I'm not trying to sell. I'm not trying to convince. I don't have to. They are seeing my value immediately, I’m not having to do any convincing.”

Eldon de Waal, Silverhurst Financial Partners, SA.

"My experience with ScoreMy has been amazing..."

“My experience with ScoreMy so far has been amazing! Clients love it and any low scores have opened up some amazing conversations about what really matters to them that I can help address. I’ve also seen an uplift in referrals from these clients as they’re telling people about us and how we're different!"

Scott Atkinson - Chartered Financial Planner - Director GPFM

"Works even better with long-term clients...."

“ScoreMy works brilliantly with prospects and new clients! But in my opinion, it works EVEN BETTER with long-term clients who truly come to understand the value I have delivered”

Gavin Johnson, FPFS, CFP, Chartered FCSI

Solus Financial Planning, UK.

"We didn’t even need to follow them up..."

“Hi, I’m just letting you know we have had yet another ScoreMy lead as a result of our social media campaign. The person completed our ScoreMy Financial Planning scorecard and immediately emailed us to arrange a meeting. We didn’t even need to follow them up! ScoreMy inspired them to contact us!"

David Lunn - Foundation Stone Financial Planning.

"Our clients love the process..."

“Guys! Thanks for creating ScoreMy! It's a brilliant bit of kit, our clients love the process and we're finally able to demonstrate our value without having to show a single boring fund factsheet!"

James Greene - Greene Financial Services.